Thursday, December 6, 2007


Or was is 6,131,940? Either way, both numbers mean the same thing...GET A JOB!!!!!

The best officially recorded score for Pac-Man was 3,333,360 (Billy Mitchell, 1999). Althought rumor has it that in 1982 Jeffery Yee received a letter from Ronald Reagan congratulating him for scoring 6,131,940. Apparantly, not that I will ever know, the 256th level has a can't see the right half of screen. If you arrive at this level will all your lives, collect all the stuff and then procede to die you will receive a maximum 3,333,360. But if you can some how beat this level, the following screens are normal and you can continue. (this problem was roughly explained by Styx when they sang "Too much time on my hands..."

I Found out today that you can buy a brand new DeLorean for $40,000. When the company closed it's doors in 1983 then moved all the remaining parts to a warehouse which has stared assembling and rebuilding them. I wonder if they can install a flux-capacitor, "it's what makes time travel possible!".

Sorry about the 80's kick. It comes on from time to time. I'll watch some "Back to the Future" and "Die Hard" tonight and get over it.

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