Saturday, November 8, 2008
Letter to Santa
Ok, so not sure how this works. I haven't needed to ask for anything in a long time, but I really need to this time. So my dad found out last week that he is losing his job in January and I am really worried that he won't be able to find a new job (you see a lot of people don't like him all that much). He has had this job for 8 years now, and we thought he would be all set because my grandpa got it for him. But for some reason they don't want him back anymore. When he heard this he tried to get the job for a friend of his so that he could still hang around and maybe they would let him help out, but his friend is kinda old and crazy so they didn't want him to have the job. Anyway, what I really want is a new dog. You see our dog bit someone the other day, he's old and cranky and the guy got in his face and it...whatever. Plus, the dog likes my sister more, so I want my own. Besides, his name is stupid, she named him after that retarded dinosaur from tv when we were little.
Oh and I almost forgot, we are moving in January so for next year I will need to send you our new address. Not sure where we'll be, probably back in podunk Texas. Thanks in advance for the puppy Santa.
Jenna Bush
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Fuck You Chuck Norris...
Ok, I am too damn pissed about that to keep on it. AHHHHHHH! I'm better now, not really, but I can pretend. Something I have been meaning to write about, but keep forgetting...
The Green Movement
Now, I am all for "Going Green", but really going green, not the oh so trendy drive a hybrid and buy funky new light bulbs so people see me go green, going green. I mean really going green, only drive when necessary, shop local, bring a cloth bag to the grocery store, power down your house 2 hours a week, shower with a friend. But as I adjust my lifestyle to conserve and protect our environment I have found many contradictions in the movement and here they are:
1) Alternative Fuel - ok, I am part of a select few that have the opportunity to walk to work. Many of us do not have a choice but to buy $4+ dollar gas. For those people we need to find an alternative to gas. But is a hybrid, which cost more than a traditional car, still uses gas, and has a HUGE unrecycleable battery really going to save the planet? Especially if it is a Hybrid SUV! That's an oxymoron if I have ever heard one...a hybrid that gets 25 miles to the gallon because it weighs 5000 lbs? If we are going to find alternatives to oil consumtion (as it nears $140 a barrel) we need to focus less on hybrid technology and more on using hydrogen or solar power to "fuel" our transportation.
2) Reducing Electricity Consumption - The new light bulbs use less electricity. But if we continue to leave the lights on...we are still using energy. Even if you don't live in a city you have seen it, it's 11pm and you drive by a building, no one is there, the building is empty, but there are countless office windows lit up. Maybe they have low energy bulbs, but they're still on for nothing. Turn 'em off, they actually have these things called motion sensors that control lights and turn them on when you enter a room and turn them off when there is no one there. Even if you have a cleaning crew...
3) Green Movement Fliers - this is a real hot topic with me. You see this A LOT in the city...Greenpeace, The Illinois Environmental somebodies, The Global Warming Fighter People, The Film Actors Guilde...all on the street corner handing out fliers about saving the world...98% of which are eventually thrown into the trash can and not recycled. Even if they are printed on recycled paper with soy ink the trash is the trash and most of it goes to a landfill. But, hey, they're creating awareness. I'm sorry, did I miss something, is there a global environmental crisis going on? I had no idea! Thank you for printing something on paper so I could hear about it.
On a lighter note, started a...well you know...a Facebook profile. FOR YOUR wife made me do it. And damn it made me feel old. I don't know why really, but it did.
This has been an alcohol fueled rant solving the worlds problems one at a time.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
WTF America
I believe that it all began when someone decided being one's self is offensive to others. It is okay for a women to require men to do things, but it's not okay for a man to require women to do things. 1) Working Around the Home Let's say there is a married couple, let's say they both work. If the man one night decides not to help do the dishes or laundry, that is a sin, down right no good dirty sin. He is lazy, no good, sexist bastard that thinks women belong in the kitchen. Now, its Thursday afternoon, nice summer day, the couple gets home from work, and the man goes outside and mows the lawn and changes the oil in the car. NOT ONE PERSON IN THE WORLD WOULD PUT HER DOWN FOR NOT HELPING! Why is she not a lazy bitch that thinks the man's place is under the car covered in grease? Is yard work less important that laundry? Is it less difficult? Now, some women trim trees, and some men clean the toilet. That's ok. My argument is that we need to stop putting men down for what they don't do and appreciate what they do.
In this society, one must please EVERYONE. If I have a product and I have a target market for that product, and lets say that market is the 22-35 year old single man, why not have a very sexual woman in the ad? The reality is 2) If you don't like it, don't buy it I will NEVER buy Coors Light because in their ad they portrayed the man as moronic. "It turned blue!" she means pregnancy test, he means beer...I'm not going to cry, bitch and moan, file a suit against their ad I just drink Bud Heavy.
And on a similar topic, what is it about sex? Why are we so afraid to admit that people have it, people like it and you can grab people's attention by portraying it? 3) Oversion to Sexuality In the September issue of Maxim Spain, there are a LOT of topless and otherwise naked women. BFD. Men and Women both have seen naked people of the opposite sex, if a person does not want tan lines, why can't they take off their clothes at the beach? They have been doing it for a very very long time in Europe. Why is it not right to talk about it, why do adults still giggle when they do?
Why can't we disipline our children anymore? People bitch about parental envolvement, and parents not know what their kids are doing, but when a parent steps in and tells a kid they can't do that we side with the kids? 4) My Sweet Sixteen Attitude Our children are mini-gods and should not need to go thru what we went thru. Guess what, you can't always get want you want, in fact sometimes you don't know what is best, and SOMETIMES I won't let you drive your car to that party because I know there won't be any parents there. Nothing pisses me off more than the parent that would not smack there kid for misbehaving, but doesn't know why their little angel is getting into legal trouble? MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE YOU LET THEM RUN THE HOUSE! MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE YOU NEVER TOLD THEM NO! MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE YOU NEVER SMACKED THEM ON THE ASS WHEN THEY DISRESPECTED YOU OR YOUR RULES!
I had mentioned "constitutional rights" eariler. Why is it that people don't know the definition of the rights it provides? 5) Improper use of the "1st Amendment" : Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. This amendment does not give you the right to say what ever the hell you want when ever they hell you want...that is your right as a human. The "Freedom of Speech" in this context allows you the right to say "George Bush Sucks, He Is A Crappy President, And Even Hillary Clinton Will Only Be Half As Crappy As He Is." without the fear of being beheaded. So when you "offend" someone, don't try to use the 1st amendment to defend yourself, you are disrespecting the true meaning of the Freedom of Speech.
Now I am not saying that America is bad, or we should all move to Canada (in fact, if you don't like being an American or don't feel that the "American Ideal" represents who you are, there are 194 other countries willing to accept your application for citizenship. I, in fact, love living in this country and while I don't always agree with what we do as a nation or society, I know I can make my own way. We just need a little "refinement", but that is what this country is about. When it was founded and stated that "All men are created equal", it took a few hundred years of refinement to begin including those that are not W.A.S.P.'s into the word "All"...
Oh and by the way, quit bitching and one is going to give you the 55k entry level job unless you are super special, and you're not. Take a shitty job and put in 60 hour weeks until they promote you, (Promote=technical term for give you more shit to pack into the same amount of hours)
Anyway, I am on my fifth Appleton Rum on the rocks and again...I need to work in the morning...I don't know if any of this makes sence, I might review and revise tomorrow.
Quote of the Day: Eat More Eel - Seen on a sign at a restaurant on the "England:A Pleasing Palate" episode of "A Cook's Tour" on Food Network
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
She's Home
Part of her being home is the return of some of my favorite television programming. Now, I know my life is nothing special. I fight and scrape for everything I have, why on earth would I want to watch a show about a bunch of 21 year olds who live in $900,000 homes and bitch and moan about he said, she said bull shit. I cannot believe that anyone in their right mind would even watch this!!!! No wonder we have Clinton Part Deux, Obama, and McCain as options for our next leader. Holy Shit, she went to the bar with his sister and Lauren was there and it ruined her night! But hey, she was trying to be the bigger person. So maybe there is some underlying life lesson here, maybe it is trying to teach us that the average person will never have the time between work and the real world to worry about what we think about each other' we can be in the same bar with her anymore. And maybe they are trying to educate the average person to what life is like when someone paid for all of your everything and you can drive an Escalade at 21. I am so much better now for being reminded that I can't buy groceries until Friday when we get paid.
I think it starts like this..."So, I was on my way to..."
I mean I have been in some messed up situations, like leaving for Sault Ste Marie, Michigan from Mt. Pleasant, Michigan at 11pm and needing to be in class at 9am the next day, BUT DAMN, a tux, sewing machine and a wrecked UPS truck...kind of reminds me of the night we tried to steal a 450 pound boulder that the school used as a barrier to keep us from parking on the sidewalk. When you've had a few root beers, it's more like 900 pounds, and your Saturn SL2, no Justin it won't pull it out no matter how hard we push. I don't know that I need to finish that story.
Oh My God!!!! Gas for $1.09!!! Oh, not what you noticed huh? Do you think they sent permission slips home for this class field trip? Obviously not a public school, my field trips were to the local market to learn how to do math and sex-ed class talked about the "changes in your body"...we didn't actually get to watch it happen for a dollar.
Quote of the Day: 36-24-36...only if she's 5'3" -Sir Mix A Lot
Beers dry, and I need to work in the morning. Goodnight.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Happy Friday!!!
(yes on monday he says monday, tuesday's tuesday, etc.) Wow, to be that content with your situation, he's not looking for a porsch, no Armani suit, just a few bucks for a pack of smokes, double cheese burger, and a bottle of booze. If you ever have a chance to say hi, he's willing to chat with anyone. Please expect him to ask for your change, and if you have twenty cents, it won't stop you from buying the $4 latte on your debit.
Then there are the guys in their mid 30's holding the sign that says "Got pick pocketed, need a train ticket to Iowa". You expect me to believe that one...maybe it's just me, but if I went to visit a big city not too far away from home, and I got robbed and had no one I could call collect at home to come get me, you bet your sweet ass I'd start walking. Survival folks, stay and starve on the street, or take a 4 day walk to get home? Tough one. Just be honest, like the young guy that hangs around Union Station. His exact words to me were, "Dude, I'm just lookin' to get fucked up tonight. Got a few bucks you can spare?"
In the end, the unemployment rate has risen to 5.1% nationally and more and more people are stuck making the choice between food and bills. As we deepen ourselves into this recession (maybe the fed won't admit it, but I will) make sure you have comfortable shoes so in a few short years when we're all be lined up for bread and milk at least your feet won't hurt.
On to a lighter subject...MY WIFE GAVE ME THE WEEK OFF! YEAH!!! She left yesterday and won't be back until Tuesday. Guess what I did on our weekly Thursday Cleaning Night...NOTHING! I ordered a pizza and had a few Jack and Cokes. It was fun. No TLC, no HGTV, no E! special about the life and times of the rich whore "reality" show "The Hills". Nope I watched History channel specials about war and got drunk. Oh, I even got mushrooms on my pie and didn't put the seat down.
Tonight I have been rockin' out to Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots, Pearl Jam, and The Toadies (Possum Kingdom, you know it) and many other icons of the 90's. I still have some Jack, and since I don't need to work tomorrow...I might stay out passed my bedtime.
I have a lot more I can ramble on about, I might add some more when I get back from the Tap, but for now Yellow Ledbetter's on and my Jack and Coke's empty.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Most Recent Sex Scandal
White House aides have denied any "relationship" between Mr. President and Ms. Bunny exists and they were discussing environmental issues. But an anonymous source stated these photos were taken moments before they escaped to the confines of the White House and "...went at it like rabbits!"
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Who Started All This...
During the least important game of their careers as "hard working" baseball players and coaches the following individuals decided to act like children on the school yard:
Shelley Duncan - New York Yankees - First Base - 28 years old - $380,000
Jonny Gomes - Tampa Bay Devil Rays - Right Field - 27 years old - $407,800
Heath Phillips - New York Yankees - Starting Pitcher - 25 years old - $380,000
Bobby Meacham - New York Yankees - Third Base Coach - 47 years old - N/A (but not cheap)
Kevin Long - New York Yankees - Speed Coach - 40 years old - $333,400
As much as I love this game, spring training means nothing! No real championships are won, no stats carry over to the regular season, no cancer is cured, no peace is established and no alternatives to Al Gore are implemented. It is not important. If I punched someone at work they better be attempting to rob the bank. If I behaved like that I'd be fired instantly. And I make just over 10% of what these guys are making.
The next and final thing on my list are people who have forgetten where they came from...
We have all had the teacher that seems to have forgotten what it was like to have a paper due the tuesday after spring break. Or the parent that won't let you go to the game because to failed a test.
But what about the so called "business professionals" out there that own a successful business. As a salesperson I want to know how these people grew their business without cold calling or "working the phones" or just selling? Apparantly there is a whole generation of business owners that just had customers fall out of thin air, giving them the right to tell today's sales people to go to hell.
Just remember, when we are all weathly business owners, when someone tries to sell you something, you don't need to buy it, but don't be an asshole.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Day 1 (1-0)
The Detroit Tigers opened Spring Training 2008 today with a solid 4-2 defeat of the mighty New York Metropolitans in front of 6,325 devoted fans. It was a great day for baseball with a 16 mph breeze coming out of right on an overcast 60 degree day in sunny Florida.
The game began in typical Jeremy Bonderman fasion with a run scored in the first off a sac fly and another in the second when Machado tripled in Abreu (Michael not Bobby).
The Tigers stood their ground and in the 7th inning sent Willie Collazo home with a 36 ERA. The day would end as such. The Mets 2 Runs-6 Hits-No Errors, the Tigers 4 Runs-7 Hits-and 1 Error.
Thursday afternoon they are scheduled to play the Blue Jays from Toronto, with Nate "the great" Robertson getting the call.
Tigers Grapefruit League 1-0
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Not much to say...
Nothing is really going on, the new job has been going well. It has been a challenge starting the sales cycle over with zero clients and a new product, but WTF, that's the way it goes with a major career change.
I finally got one side of the Rubik's Cube done. It's the red side. But I still have 5 more to go.
6 Days, 14 Hours, 23 Minutes, and 45 seconds...44 seconds...43 seconds...42 seconds...and so on.
Until the start of the Detroit Tigers first spring training game! Holy shit baseball's back and it's the Tiger's year.
And I already have tickets to the Tigers/Sox on the April 12th at 35th and Wentworth (US Cellular Field) in Chicago. Can't wait.
You too can be a part of history by following this link:
Ok, I'm done.
Friday, February 15, 2008
2122 North Clark Street
The end of the Bugs Moran vs. Al Capone era. Two years later the Federal Government convicted Capone for tax evasion on his earnings from bootlegging, prostitution, and illegal gambling. He spent time at Alcatraz in Cell 85, and was released due to the progression of his syphilis which eventually led to dementia. It's said that in his final days at his estate in Florida he spoke to visions of his enemies. After his death he was buried at Mt. Carmel Cemetary, surronded by many of his departed rivals of the Northside gang.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
New Years was fun...
Nothing really happened between the 2nd and the 20st. On the 21nd I saw a really cool show about what the world would be like if people went extinct. And on the 22nd I lost my job. The company I was working for decided to close their offices in 7 markets, including Chicago. So I got a new one, it's better. So before I started my wife and I went to the Detroit Auto Show.
So that brings us to Super Tuesday. Can I just say...if you are voting for a candidate because they are good looking, articulate, well dressed, likeable, you can relate to them, or they stand for change, then just don't vote. And when everything still sucks, keep your mouth shut, because if you can't cast an educated vote than you can't complain about who is leading the country.
Educate yourself to the issues and the politician's stances. Then vote.
As for me, I am not voting in the primary elections. While I do believe that they are an important step in selecting our next president, the format kills me. You must select a party? And vote only for people on the ballat from that party? Come on. I want to vote for both. I want to say who I want to run on both sides. "I like these two people and want to hear more about their platforms". I don't believe it give me the opportunity to give my input. Now, if there was one candidate that I loved, that I knew I wanted to be the president I would vote in the primarys. Once the candidates have been selected I will then take a close look at them and decided who I will give my vote to.
Alright, I'm done with that. On to something more important...
I need you all to go to google maps and find the intersection of Groom Rd. and Old Mill St. in Rachel, Nevada. Then look at the satellite image.
Have a great week.