Yes, I said it. WTF. What I want to know is why don't we just get over ourselves and do what we want and be who we are as long as it does not infringe apon the constitutional and physical rights of other Americans?
I believe that it all began when someone decided being one's self is offensive to others. It is okay for a women to require men to do things, but it's not okay for a man to require women to do things. 1) Working Around the Home Let's say there is a married couple, let's say they both work. If the man one night decides not to help do the dishes or laundry, that is a sin, down right no good dirty sin. He is lazy, no good, sexist bastard that thinks women belong in the kitchen. Now, its Thursday afternoon, nice summer day, the couple gets home from work, and the man goes outside and mows the lawn and changes the oil in the car. NOT ONE PERSON IN THE WORLD WOULD PUT HER DOWN FOR NOT HELPING! Why is she not a lazy bitch that thinks the man's place is under the car covered in grease? Is yard work less important that laundry? Is it less difficult? Now, some women trim trees, and some men clean the toilet. That's ok. My argument is that we need to stop putting men down for what they don't do and appreciate what they do.
In this society, one must please EVERYONE. If I have a product and I have a target market for that product, and lets say that market is the 22-35 year old single man, why not have a very sexual woman in the ad? The reality is 2) If you don't like it, don't buy it I will NEVER buy Coors Light because in their ad they portrayed the man as moronic. "It turned blue!" she means pregnancy test, he means beer...I'm not going to cry, bitch and moan, file a suit against their ad I just drink Bud Heavy.
And on a similar topic, what is it about sex? Why are we so afraid to admit that people have it, people like it and you can grab people's attention by portraying it? 3) Oversion to Sexuality In the September issue of Maxim Spain, there are a LOT of topless and otherwise naked women. BFD. Men and Women both have seen naked people of the opposite sex, if a person does not want tan lines, why can't they take off their clothes at the beach? They have been doing it for a very very long time in Europe. Why is it not right to talk about it, why do adults still giggle when they do?
Why can't we disipline our children anymore? People bitch about parental envolvement, and parents not know what their kids are doing, but when a parent steps in and tells a kid they can't do that we side with the kids? 4) My Sweet Sixteen Attitude Our children are mini-gods and should not need to go thru what we went thru. Guess what, you can't always get want you want, in fact sometimes you don't know what is best, and SOMETIMES I won't let you drive your car to that party because I know there won't be any parents there. Nothing pisses me off more than the parent that would not smack there kid for misbehaving, but doesn't know why their little angel is getting into legal trouble? MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE YOU LET THEM RUN THE HOUSE! MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE YOU NEVER TOLD THEM NO! MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE YOU NEVER SMACKED THEM ON THE ASS WHEN THEY DISRESPECTED YOU OR YOUR RULES!
I had mentioned "constitutional rights" eariler. Why is it that people don't know the definition of the rights it provides? 5) Improper use of the "1st Amendment" : Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. This amendment does not give you the right to say what ever the hell you want when ever they hell you want...that is your right as a human. The "Freedom of Speech" in this context allows you the right to say "George Bush Sucks, He Is A Crappy President, And Even Hillary Clinton Will Only Be Half As Crappy As He Is." without the fear of being beheaded. So when you "offend" someone, don't try to use the 1st amendment to defend yourself, you are disrespecting the true meaning of the Freedom of Speech.
Now I am not saying that America is bad, or we should all move to Canada (in fact, if you don't like being an American or don't feel that the "American Ideal" represents who you are, there are 194 other countries willing to accept your application for citizenship. I, in fact, love living in this country and while I don't always agree with what we do as a nation or society, I know I can make my own way. We just need a little "refinement", but that is what this country is about. When it was founded and stated that "All men are created equal", it took a few hundred years of refinement to begin including those that are not W.A.S.P.'s into the word "All"...
Oh and by the way, quit bitching and one is going to give you the 55k entry level job unless you are super special, and you're not. Take a shitty job and put in 60 hour weeks until they promote you, (Promote=technical term for give you more shit to pack into the same amount of hours)
Anyway, I am on my fifth Appleton Rum on the rocks and again...I need to work in the morning...I don't know if any of this makes sence, I might review and revise tomorrow.
Quote of the Day: Eat More Eel - Seen on a sign at a restaurant on the "England:A Pleasing Palate" episode of "A Cook's Tour" on Food Network
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